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Components for Optical Fibre

Our components for optical fibre are photoASIC-based transmitters and LED receivers with integrated electronics; developed for industrial communications with high-resolution CMOS technology with a max baud rate of 20 Mbps, they are also suitable for the SERCOS II standard.
Our fibre optic receivers are 100% compatible with the HFD7000.


  • Very High Optical Sensitivity
  • Wide Dynamic Range
  • Data Rate up to 16Mbps
  • Working also in DC mode and low frequency
  • High robustness (double metal package)
  • Open collector output
  • 100% manufactured in Europe

Design and Specifications


Models Frequency (Mbps) Wavelenght (nm) Interval T (°C) Optical Power (dbm) Package
OIL160-520-SMA-M 20 520 -40 / +100 +2 SMA metal
OIL160-520-SMA-MZ 20 520 -40 / +100 +2 SMA Zn diecast
OIL160-520-SMA-MZP 20 520 -40 / +100 +2 SMA Zn diecast + fixing pins
OIL160-520-ST-P 20 520 -40 / +100 +2 ST metal
OIL160-520-VL-P 20 520 -40 / +100 +2 Versatile Link
OIL160-650-SMA-P 20 650 -40 / +85 -1 SMA plastic
OIL160-650-SMA-MP 20 650 -40 / +85 -1 SMA tin plated fixing pins
OIL160-650-SMA-M 20 650 -40 / +85 -1 SMA metal
OIL4060-ST 20 850 -40 / +85 -7 Versatile Link


Models  Sensitivity (dBm) Dinamic range (db) Frequency (bps) Wavelenght (nm) PWD (ns) Switch time (ns)
OIA160-SMA-P -20 15 25 500 - 950  25 7
OIA160-SMA-M -20 15 25 500 - 950 25 7
OIA160-SMA-MZ -20 15 25 500 - 950  25 7
OIA4160-ST -20 25 25 850 25 7

How fibre optic emitters and receivers work

The acronym SERCOS stands for SErial Realtime COMmunication System. SERCOS is a standard digital interface for communication within industrial CNC applications.
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